Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art with deep historical roots.
Developed in the early 20th century by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969), one of Japan’s most lauded martial artists, Aikido is a budo, or martial way. Its purpose is “to teach a warrior how to receive and fill his or her mind and body with a valorous spirit.”
Everyone comes to Aikido for their own reasons. For some it is a form of moving meditation. For others it is one part of a comprehensive martial curriculum, a lifelong pursuit of focus and purification, or simply a joyful, invigorating form of exercise.
Bushwick Dojo was founded in 2016 on the belief that all of these journeys and more may pass through our doors and find acceptance and fulfillment.
Claire Keller, 6th Dan, Chief Instructor
Gillian Macleod, 4th Dan, Assistant Instructor
Chip Calcagni, 3rd Dan